Moonblaster BASIC Wave Driver for Moonsound
This BASIC driver is spread as a binary file for BASIC programmers and as a source file for ML programmers. The first part of this text will explain how to use this driver for BASIC programmers. The second part is meant for ML programmers.
The driver supports: - MoonBlaster for MoonSound Wave songs from version 0.90 to 1.14. - DOS1 and DOS2 - Z80,Z80H and R800 (three different drivers)
For 7MHz Users is now a special version available (WAVDRV7.BIN).
This version is mutch faster because (for 7Mhz that is) the wait for the Turbo R is: PUSH BC POP BC (This is a total of 21 cycles for the Z80)
In the 7Mhz version this is replayced by: NOP (only 4 Cycles) This means 17 cycles faster by almost each OUT or IN. And there are a lot of those.
mkdir -p package/
lha x wavedrv.lzh
mv basic.asm package/
mv howto.txt package/
mv mbmacros.asm package/
mv patches.asm package/
mv wavedrv7.bin package/
mv wavedrvr.bin package/
mv wavedrvz.bin package/
hub install WAVEDRV