How to use the MBWAVE BASIC driver 1.13 ======================================= This BASIC driver is spread as a binary file for BASIC programmers and as a source file for ML programmers. The first part of this text will explain how to use this driver for BASIC programmers. The second part is meant for ML programmers. The driver supports: - MoonBlaster for MoonSound Wave songs from version 0.90 to 1.12. - DOS1 and DOS2 - Z80,Z80H and R800 (three different drivers) For 7MHz Users is now a special version available (WAVDRV7.BIN). This version is mutch faster because (for 7Mhz that is) the wait for the Turbo R is: PUSH BC POP BC (This is a total of 21 cycles for the Z80) In the 7Mhz version this is replayced by: NOP (only 4 Cycles) This means 17 cycles faster by almost each OUT or IN. And there are a lot of those. BASIC ----- To load the driver type BLOAD"WAVEDRVx.BIN",R and then protect the upper memory from BASIC with CLEAR 200,&HDA00. Below is a short overview of all new BASIC commands: _MBVER Displays version number _MBINIT It is very important that this call is done first! This will initialise the mapper routines and allocate the first 4 mapper banks. _MBADDR(load address) This sets the current load/play address. _MBBANK1(bank) _MBBANK2(bank) _MBBANK3(bank) These routines set the current load/play mapper bank. In theory a Wave song can be slightly larger than 32KB. Therefore 3 mapper banks may be neccessary. However, in practice songs abover 16K will be very rare and it will suffice to set only _MBBANK1. Note that with songs > 16K MBBANK1 is always used as the first bank to fill and only when the song is too big to fit MBBANK2 and 3 will be used. In theory you can use 64K after a MBINIT command (bank 0-3). But unfortunately you cannot use bank 0 (system page), 2 (replayer page) and you can only use bank 1 if you move the BASIC start address to &HC000. So only bank 3 is available most of the time unless you use the MBALLOC command. _MWKLOAD("filename") This will load a wavekit with name "filename". It uses MBBANK1 as a buffer to move the data to Sample RAM. Do not forget to load a wavekit before playing a song. The replayer may crash if you try to play a song that uses a wavekit when no wavekit was loaded! _MWMLOAD("filename") This will load a wave song with name "filename" in the current bank at the current address. _MBPLAY Starts playing of a song using current address and current bank. _MBSTOP Stops playing. _MBHALT Pauses music. _MBCONT Continues music after MBHALT. _MBFADE(speed) The music will fade out at the given speed. _MBALLOC(extra banks) If you need more than the first 64K (see MBBANK) use this command. Note that the driver will NOT check if enough free memory is available. The programmer needs to do that himself! You can only use MBALLOC once. If you need more, use MBFREE first and then MBALLOC again. MBALLOC will only allocate *extra* segments. E.g. with MBALLOC(4) you will have 4 + 4 = 8 banks (128K) available. _MBFREE This will free all segments that were allocated with MBALLOC. Especially for DOS2 usage it is VERY important that this is always done before you return to the system. If you forget this the allocated segments will be wasted untill the computer is restarted!! _Z80, _R800 Turbo-R users can use these commands to change the current CPU. Great care must be taken however because it is impossible to use the Z80 version of the replayer in R800 speed and vice versa! The BASIC programmer can read several variables with the PEEK command from the following table: &HDA00 0 = not playing, 255 = playing &HDA01 1st mapperbank with song data &HDA02 2nd mapperbank with song data &HDA03 3rd mapperbank with song data &HDA04 address of song data &HDA06 current position &HDA07 current step &HDA08 3 status bytes (0 = off) &HDA0B song data that will be played the next interrupt &HDA26 Available free segments. This is only valid in DOS2! It can be used to check if enough memory is available for the MBALLOC command. Note that it is not updated after an MBALLOC command. Do not POKE in this table, this may give unexpected results! ML programmers -------------- ML programmers will find most of the explanation they need in the BASIC text above and in the source. Some additional notes are given here. - The source uses a lot of conditional assembly. You can select the following: 1. Assemble it for R800,Z80H or Z80 2. Include the FADE 3. Include a speed test 4. Disable RAM headers for extra speed (try to avoid this!) - The replayer is using routines called selbank_FE and curbank_FE to select or to read the current mapper bank from 08000h - 0BFFFh. You may wish to replace these with your own routines. - Read the comment at the MWM loading routine. It is possible to simplify this routine, but take care doing so! - The MWK loading routine needs several variables in the replayer bank. It may be convenient to place the loader in the same bank as the replayer but do not forget that the FCB cannot be in the page 04000h-07FFFh unless you are in MSX-DOS!!! Some MSX computers can handle this, but most of them cannot! - Note that the R800 version will not crash in Z80 mode on a MSX2 but it is strongly advised to use the Z80 version! Using the R800 version on Z80 will slow the replayer down incredibly and it will crash on a Turbo-R in Z80 mode! - The replayer is now on the Hook #FD9A, because it uses the OPL4 interrupt now.(So no difference between 50/60Hz anymore!)