MSX DOS Debugger inspired to msdos DEBUG.EXE.
Msx DOS Debugger inspired to msdos DEBUG.EXE. This software is a code resurrect from old project in 1993.
Thanks to Ariakirasoft for releasing source code and to Guyver800 from #msxdev for his support and suggestions.
What has been done
I implemented the assemble command that was missing in original software, then i fixed various bugs in disassembly and added support for R800 IXH,IXL,IYH,IYL registers. R800 MULUB and MULUW instructions are supported!
To fill data use 'DB' for bytes and 'DW' for words. You can use strings so DB 'Test',13,10 works! I added also another data fill instruction, 'DS'. Example: DS 'A',0A
It will fill memory with 10 'A' characters.
For 'IN' and 'OUT' instructions, if your port is 'C' (hex number) its mandatory to use 2 digits to avoid ambiguity with the instructions using (C) register.
IN A,(C)
means Read 1 byte from port in register C
IN A,(0C)
means Read 1 byte from port number C (port 12)
mkdir -p package/
tar xvzf debug.tar.gz
mv package/
mv debug.hlp package/
mv package/
hub install DEBUG