Load tapes in Turbo-R computers through PCM input.
This is a little utility that allows the use of cassete with MSX turbo R computers. It relies on these machines' DRAM mode for patching BIOS and Basic interpreter, restoring the operativity of cassete-related vectors and the Basic commands that handle it.
To achieve better compatibility with programs designed for tape loading, TRCAS deactivates disk system and frees the memory it uses. After running the utility with BLOAD"TRCAS",R disks are no more accessible, but in turn you can use the "CAS:" device within usual commands.
Cassete-to-computer connection must be made through microphone input jack (next to printer interface). If you wish to record on tape, you will need another connection towards cassete. Any sound output from the TV set can be used (for example, earphone jack) or in case of A1ST, also the RCA audio output from the computer. Note that cassete signal may sound by the speaker when recording.
mkdir -p package/
mv trcas package/
mv readme package/
cat > package/TRCAS.BAS << EOF
10 CLS
30 PRINT "TRCAS is now loaded. Use CAS: device as usual."
unix2dos package/TRCAS.BAS
cat > package/TRCAS.BAT << EOF
unix2dos package/TRCAS.BAT
hub install TRCAS