NestorBASIC, a Turbo-BASIC compatible BASIC extension
NestorBASIC is a BASIC extension for MSX2/2+/TR computers with at least 128K mapped RAM. It is Turbo-BASIC compatible (in fact it includes Turbo-BASIC, an loads it at installation time) and provides the following capabilities:
NestorBASIC consists on a single file which can be installed with a simple BLOAD instruction. It installs itself on a hidden RAM segment and only uses about 500 bytes of the BASIC main memory. Its functions are invoked using an USR instruction and an array for the parameters, so they can be used from inside of turbo-blocks. Turbo-BASIC is included within the NestorBASIC file, both are installed simultaneously.
nbasic.bin |
nbasic.txt |
versions.txt |
dire.bas |
mus.bas |
mus-e.bas |
dir.bas |
takeit.mbm |
omolakit.mbk |
turrican.mwk |
turri1.mwm |
turri2.mwm |
pbaturr2.mwm |
tartres.mwm |
mkdir -p package/
mv nbasic.bin package/
mv nbasic.txt package/
mv versions.txt package/
lha xw=./package samples.lzh
hub install NBASIC