Bumper Ship Racing ------------------ Game developed for MSX1 by the user Uninteresting on MRC (www.msx.org). Game thread: https://www.msx.org/forum/msx-talk/development/wip-single-screen-racing-game-for-msx1 Please keep this text file intact as-is bundled with the ROM. The game is freeware: you can pass the unaltered ROM file around. A better-defined license will be determined upon later. BSR is a racing game for 1-4 players. Controls: In-game, press up/forward to accelerate. Press left or right to turn in those directions. Fire button does nothing. The red player uses the cursor keys and space bar. The blue player uses Joystick 1. The green player uses Joystick 2. The yellow player uses keys WASD for moving and Q as the fire button. ESC button will quit the time trial mode. In race results / cup standings / cup result screens the fire buttons will continue to the next view. Game modes: All tracks are raced for four laps, except in time trial. After the racer has crossed the finish line, the AI will take over their ship. * Cup race Compete against other racers in four five-track cups and win the cup championships! 1-4 players. * Single race Play a single race on a track you choose. 1-4 players. * Time trial Polish your rebounds and flight paths as you try to improve the lap times. 1 player only. Classes: Three speed classes determine how fast the ships accelerate and turn overall. * Superclass Slow, but good for learning how bad braking can be for your laptimes. * Hyperclass Getting there... * Megaclass Amateurs need not apply. Ship type selection: All players who wish to play need to use their controls to join in on the game. Once everyone to have joined has pressed their fire buttons, the game will start. * Nimble Turns fast, but is slow to accelerate. * Jack Jack of both trades, master of neither. A more balanced choice. * Radaccel Accelerates quickly, but turns slower. Tips: * Use rebounds to your advantage. The bounces will reduce your speed, but it's better than accelerating from a standstill. * Consider how your ship will bounce two corners ahead. * Watch how the computer racers work (or don't) and learn from them. Credits: Code, graphics, sound, design: Uninteresting Music: - Feedback: PSr, Vampier, MrHydragon + the users commenting on the MRC forum Thanks: santiontanon + ARTRAG for the sample code they had posted online Version history v 2018-10-27 ------------ - fixed collisions some more - and brought back the thruster flames. Again. v 2018-10-26 ------------ - hopefully fixed the collisions. - removed the thruster flames (bugs in displaying sprites esp. on 60Hz rates) v 2018-10-25 ------------ - added thruster flames v 2018-10-07 ------------ - the collision bug visible mostly on Counter should now be fixed. - renamed two tracks - reshuffled the readme (this file) v 2018-10-03 ------------ - some better lap records - on NTSC systems, the game should now skip every 6th frame. Crude. v 2018-10-02 ------------ - all lap and race records are now human-made - AI shouldn't get stuck on other ships v 2018-09-23 ------------ - dumber AI - time trial times - AI shouldn't get stuck in walls any longer v 2018-09-16 ------------ - displays previous laptime in time trial mode - time trial limited to just one player due to an unresolved bug - dumbed down the AI (results yet untested) - victory images when a human player wins a cup - portal, bouncer sound effects Disclaimer, as from BSD license: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.