-------------------------------------------- BINARY FILE LOADER v1.02 By GDX MANUAL -------------------------------------------- BINLOAD.COM can load and run under MSX-DOS 1/2 binary format files that normally start under BASIC with the BLOAD instruction. Minimum requirements: - MSX 64kB - MSX-DOS 1 Use: From a command line of MSX-DOS enter the command as the following form. BINLDR Filename.Ext File name extension become ".BIN" by default. When the file name is omitted, help is displayed. Options: While loading the file, you can press the following keys to change the environment. [JIKOU] (MSX Turbo R) - Since most programs are designed to run on MSX 1 or 2, the Z80 mode is automatically selected when running on MSX Turbo R. [JIKOU] key (on the right side of the space bar) selects the R800 mode with ROM. In this mode, some programs may run too fast. [SHIFT] - This key uninstalls the drives from the system and stops their motor. This is useful if you have a hard drive and you intend to play long time. Note: More programs work by pressing [CTRL] until the beep during the MSX initialization (even if you press [SHIFT] during loading). It can be useful for software that need floppy drive. [SELECT] - This key prevents the disc motor from shunt down. Versions History: - v1.02: [SHIFT] key replaces [RETURN] to disable the disks. Fixed a bug in the MSX version test. - v1.01: Fix keys and cursor removing. - v1.00: First release.